Friday 27 May 2011

My favorite subject !

I had some doubts, among ecology (last semester) and animal behavior (this year), both inspire me in the carrer but...
Ecology ! That is my favorite subject =).
I love conservation and ecology is the closest thing. Understand how individuals behave, populations and communities is the basis os studies of the ecology, and for me, the future of the conservation of endangered species both flora and fauna. This subject, along with others disciplines, can avoid ecosystem by the action of man in the world and back to achieve balance between species... AND HELP THIS BEAUTIFUL WORLD =D

When I was little, I loked all day how animals behave and how they relate to other animals, but what I like about the ecology is the study of  evolution, WHO INTERACTIONS AS ANIMALS AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT ACHIEVED IN MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF YEARS "MAKE" ALL CURRENT SPECIES !!?? And all are different !... And the theory of natural selection !! All that makes me crazy xP
In the future I think I`ll be studying the chilean species to save them fron extinction... and applying everything I learned in ecology and all of the university subjects =D

Sunday 22 May 2011

Grizzlyman, Timothy Treadwell.

Timothy Treadwell was a environmentalist and amateur naturalist, know as Grizzlyman.
Timothy born in April 29, 1957 and in his youth he have a problems with a drugs after it was rejected in a casting for a role in theater. He was at rehab and make a travel to Alaska where fellowship 13 year with grizzly bears and recorded over 100 hours of video.
In October 2003, Treadwell and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, camping in Katmai National Park and were attacked by one or more bears al night. His remains were found by a ranger the next morning.

In 2005, filmmaker Werner Herzog Grizzly Man premiered a documentary about Treadwell's life that included several of the recordings made ​​by it during its stay in Alaska.
Timothy Treadwell is an example for me for the courage they demonstrated defending wildlife park of continuing threats of hunters, because he left all for their dreams of conservation  of wildlife. His love of animals was stronger to the point of risking his life to live closely with animals and show the beauty of wildlife.

Sunday 3 April 2011

My favorite band... Their best song

Something of me =)

My name is Fernanda, but all call me Feña. I live in Santiago, Chile, but I hate this city I prefer the south of the country.
I love ALL ANIMALS, from insects to bigs mammals, but my favourite animal is a dog. My main purpose in life is to protect  regardless of the consequences... This is my fight.
My others obsessions is the football, cars and the music... I play the piano and I love the percussion. My favourite football team is Colo-Colo, I so happy when I go to the stadium =D.
My main dream in the live is to travel in a Steve Irwin's ship of a sea shepherd's environmental organization saving whales and the environment. The consevation is my purpose.
In conclusion I am a very passionate woman and I will never surrender, I going to change the world for a better place for animals =D.